Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Join Us in the Following Groups

Dear all,
For all Q & A "Pre","On the Day" & "Post" the event - It is essential for you to join the following Gorups
  1. Google Allo Group "Passionate for CS"
  2. Facebook Group "Python for Plus 2"
    Python for plus 2
    Facebook Group · 11 members
    Join Group

Pre-requisite Installations

  1. Install Python 3.6.2 Or Higher
    1. Goto the link https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
    2. Look for the appropriate link under Python3.6 [Download Windows x86-64 executable installer]
    3. Step by Step Python Installation - [Click Here]
  2. Install Python Pandas
    1. Goto the Python Packaging Link
    2. Follow the steps given in the link Pandas Installation Steps
  3. Install MongoDB - Click Here - आ गया आ गया MongoDB आ गया "